The Mortlake Brewery

With a heritage going back 500 years, to a manor house with a domestic brewery, the Mortlake Brewery finally closed its doors in 2015.

In fact, there’s evidence, that its history goes back further than the 1500’s, to when there was a monastery on the site back in medieval times, brewing its own ale.

I was lucky enough to get inside before it closed for my Wild about Sheen & Mortlake book and here are some of the pictures I took.

The site is back in the news, as the Mayor of London has been asked to adjudicate on the new plans that have been passed by Richmond Council. This is the second attempt by the developers to get their ideas through, with both sets of plans roundly objected too by the local community, for being too big for the area to cope with and something I have considerable sympathy with.

Listed, this hop store will be staying.

By good fortune, they asked if I might like to visit the roof, would I???

The final decision has been put on hold, whilst the mayoral elections take place in May this year.

The view from Barnes. It will be an awful shame if this view is replaced by yet more high rise blocks, full of homes that the locals cannot afford to live in!


The Wonder of Wisley


Photographic Tip Number 14