My favourite pictures of 2023
I take loads of loads of pictures and it ‘s hard when it comes to choosing my favourites. One or two might surprise you but I imagine most won’t - anyway, I hope you enjoy them.
Richmond Park. Dead or alive, a tree in winter can look amazing.
I love swans and this pair on Barnes Pond in particular.
A Led Zeppelin tribute act at The Jazz Cafe, courtesy of my daughter, who loves taking me to gigs.
This could easily be in the country but is in fact, The Serpentine in Hyde Park.
Hyde Park.
Putney Embankment. Sometimes, you just strike lucky and this was one of those moments.
And it was nice that Josie could join me - sad to think, she only had a few months left to live.
Charlwood Road, Putney.
Barnes Common - I love the return of spring and the first signs are the blossom.
Terrace Gardens, Richmond.
Pen Ponds, Richmond Park.
Since COVID, my wife and I have taken up croquet and its fun when my love of nature encroaches onto the lawns at our club.
Barnes Common - this damselfly was such a joy to spend some time with, he even said goodbye when I left.
You’ll all know that I spend hours cataloguing the butterflies of Barnes Common, and these little fellas in particular, the Marbled Whites.
Stunning colours, the Meadow Brown at rest.
Budleigh Salterton.
The Swallows of Budleigh Salterton.
Barnes Common - the grasses have started to die off.
Richmond Park.
In the autumn, fungi can be found across Barnes Common but its sometimes hard to find it in as good a light as this..
Kestrels are the most common of the birds of prey that can be found on Barnes Common.
The last Small Copper on the Common.
I’ve never seen Lime Avenue in Bushy Park look this good.
It was fun to discover the Short Eared Owls on Staines Moore.
Before The Shingles got in the way, it was nice to follow The Brent River as it flows through Ealing.